
How To Set Up A Guitar Pedal

How To Concatenation Your Guitar Effects Pedals


Contributed by Roland US

And so you decided to play electric guitar. Once you lot become a guitar and an amp, the adjacent step is to explore effects. Effects pedals tin be separated into groups based on their functions. Understanding the unlike pedal groups is the key to getting the best sound when chaining them together. The largest pedal group is probably overdrives and distortions, and Boss currently makes 16 dissimilar pedals in this category.

For our case pedal board, we'll pick the ST-2 Power Stack. Some other category with many choices is modulation.These are effects similar flanger, phaser, chorus, tremolo, and others. Let's use the well-nigh versatile of these—the BF-three Flanger. Another group is ambient effects, such as delays and reverbs. Nosotros'll employ ane of each: a DD-seven Digital Filibuster and the FRV-1 '63 Fender Reverb. In that location are some pedal furnishings that can add notes or alter the pitch of what y'all're playing. For want of a more esoteric name, we'll phone call these "pitch-altering" pedals. From this category, allow's throw in a Dominate OC-three Octave.

Boss also has a few pedals that brand your musical instrument audio like some other musical instrument. The AC-iii Audio-visual Simulator will do the task. Some effects modify your sound with filtering. This effect type can be used in different places in the signal path, so we'll employ the GE-7 Graphic EQ. A few BOSS effects defy categorization, but are nonetheless very useful in any bespeak path. The most common of these is the CS-3 Compression/Sustainer.

Loopers autumn into this category also, so let's add an RC-three Loop Station to the mix. And you might desire the NS-2 Noise Suppressor to impale the noise in your rig, so let's add that in, too. What almost a tuner? The TU-iii is the nigh pop pedal tuner in the world.


Hither are some tips to keep in heed before you start plugging pedals together:

Rule 1 –There are no rules. The sound you're after might non exist made by what we could call the advisable or logical point path, but that's not always the result. The event is this: what does it sound like? If it makes the sound yous're after, then it's right…although, you may have to practise something nigh the noise. Traditional pedal board arrangements were designed for certain reasons, and keeping the dissonance downwardly is ane biggie. Post-obit the principles of how sound is made in physical space is some other (see Rule 4 coming up). But the final option is yours. Every bit a very wise man said: if it works, don't fix it.

Rule ii –Some pedal types piece of work better in sure parts of the signal path than in others. Octave pedals or tuners, for example, don't work too with a distorted indicate equally with an undistorted signal, and then they should be placed before the baloney.

Dominion 3 –Noise can be a problem, particularly with high-gain distortion sounds. Pedals that tin can add volume—such as compressors, wahs, EQs, and overdrive/distortions—will too amplify any noise created past the effects placed before them.

Dominion 4 –Taking sound-making devices like stompbox pedals out of the equation, in that location'south an order to the fashion sounds naturally occur in physical infinite. For instance, guitar amp distortion is made in physical space by turning an amp upward plenty to crusade its circuits to overload, and whatsoever repeat y'all might hear happens after the distorted sound hits walls or ceilings and bounces back to your ears. Therefore, logic says that your reverb and/or delay pedals should be concluding in the signal path, since that is how the sounds they produce actually occur in three-dimensional space.

How to chain your guitar effects pedal

In keeping with these rules—okay, they aren't actually rules, and then let'south compromise and call them "guidelines"—here are some essential concepts for lining your pedals upward:

  • Pedals that amplify or add noise should go nearly the beginning of the point path. This includes overdrive/distortion furnishings, compressors, and wah pedals. If they're later in the signal path, they volition amplify the noise of everything before them, which can be difficult to command.
  • Pedals that produce tone get before things that modify tone. This is logical, because yous want to create your basic sound first, then tweak it with some kind of modifying effect. For example, this ways that overdrives become before chorus effects.
  • Pedals that create ambience go last. This goes back to the "how does audio really occur in physical space" idea. Then, delay and reverb should become after all other furnishings.


Using our basic guidelines, permit's connect our pedalboard together:


That is i rockin' pedalboard! But why is this the suggested indicate path? Follow along equally we go pedal past pedal.

The tuner goes first. This one is pretty piece of cake. It doesn't want to hear an effected signal; it wants to see the direct input from the guitar. Another reason for putting the tuner start is that if y'all're using any true-bypass pedals, the TU-three will give them a buffered signal, which will protect your tone from loss of signal in the cables when other pedals are off. This is another ane of the reasons there as then many TU tuners in pedalboards worldwide, even ones using nothing else but boutique true-featherbed stompers.

The next three pedals — Prisoner of war-10, Air-conditioning-3, and OC-iii — modify the bones tone of the guitar. For the well-nigh variety of sound, you want all the other pedals to have a shot at the sound from these pedals, so information technology's best to have them as close to the guitar as possible.

After these is the overdrive/distortion, in this case our ST-2 Power Stack. The CS-3 Compression/Sustainer (and the Pw-ten V-Wah) tin can improve the ST-2's sustain and tone by increasing the signal to information technology, so they're placed before the ST-2. Many players use a compressor just for this reason, and the "fixed wah" sound, which is a wah pedal turned on but not continuously swept, is very mutual in stone and metallic lead tones.

The GE-7 Graphic Blaster is good to have after the overdrive in case you lot want to apply it to scoop mids or bump certain frequencies for solos. (To show that these are not hard rules, it also works pretty well if the EQ is afterwards the compressor but before the overdrive. But this changes how the EQ sounds, since you would be distorting it with the overdrive, then try it in the suggested position first.) Also, information technology'southward skilful to have the EQ before the noise suppressor, since EQs can add racket as they boost tone at various points in the frequency spectrum, including any dissonance that is already there.

The NS-ii Noise Suppressor is best used in the middle, so it can take out the noise created by the amplifying pedals earlier the betoken moves into the modulation and ambience pedals.

Modulation stompboxes like our BF-3 Flanger should be later the tone-producing effects like baloney, wah, etc. so they can process and modify the tone congenital by the pedals earlier it. If you put it before the distortion, so you are distorting the sound of the flanger. Peradventure that'southward what you're after, only in general, put the BF-3 and other modulation effects subsequently the tone-shaping (and racket–producing) pedals. And then in that location are the ambient furnishings: delay and reverb. As we discussed before, reverb—and sometimes delay, depending on the infinite—is the last thing that happens before the sound reaches your ears in a physical space, so these become final. Delaying reverb tin can audio muddy, and then it'south usually improve to have the reverb later the filibuster.

And last, but certainly not least, is the Loop Station. Loopers aren't effects—they're recorders. Normally, you'll desire the looper to be able to record and playback whatsoever of your sounds. Of grade, this means you should place it at the very end of the chain so it can hear and tape whatever pedal combinations you utilize.

So there information technology is. To epitomize, while in that location are no rules for creating tones, these bones principles will help you achieve tone nirvana. Past following the guidelines we've laid out here, you will:

  • Keep the noise to a minimum.
  • Attain the about tonal flexibility.
  • Produce tone in the near natural, organic way, every bit close as possible to how tone is created without effects.

At the aforementioned time, experiment! Peradventure the tone y'all seek is fabricated by the wah after the distortion—it'due south noisy, but sounds cool. Ultimately, the only dominion is this: what sounds best is best, so get your BOSS pedals and grab your tone. It's what nosotros brand them for!


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