
How To Set Up A Pediatrician For Newborn

Mothers-to-be have a lot of important decisions to brand, from choosing a proper noun to deciding who will take intendance of the babe if – or when – they make up one's mind to go back to piece of work. If you lot're pregnant, one of the about important decisions yous must make is to select a pediatrician for the crucial chore of overseeing your child's health care.

Start the process early!

The best time to starting time your pediatrician search is nearly three months earlier the baby's due date. Babies can come early, and so y'all want to have someone picked out well in advance of your baby'due south ETA. At The Children's Medical Group, our pediatricians not only allow but encourage new parents to schedule a prenatal visit. This lets you become acquainted with us, tour our offices, and ask questions about the birth of your baby and our do. Our complementary prenatal visits are held Mon-Friday at all of our offices, plus Sunday afternoons in our Poughkeepsie office.

Things to consider in selecting a pediatrician

Information technology is important to discover a practice whose philosophy, location, and hours piece of work for you, and a doctor who makes you feel comfortable – which can be as much a affair of personality as diplomas on the wall. A couple of other things to consider:

  • Size matters. Volition you be comfy in a large group where yous may run across someone different each time y'all go?  On the other hand, practice you want to take the run a risk of not beingness seen immediately if y'all cull a single-person practice? Fortunately, with CMG, you lot don't have to compromise. With nine offices beyond three counties in the Hudson Valley and 23 providers (and growing), you tin can detect a location and personality that suits you perfectly. Each CMG office is ready upward every bit "your" Local Pediatrician, and so yous can count on seeing members of the same team each time y'all come to the office. Just in the example of an emergency, you lot tin be assured that yous won't take to wait.
  • Timing is everything. Does the practice offer night or weekend hours if yous need them?
    (Nosotros've got that! CMG offers convenient evening and weekend hours at several offices).

An interview checklist

It is important to talk to each of the doctors you're considering, just as you'd interview a potential employee. We recommend that yous take notes on all of the pediatricians you interview – and hold on to them after you've made your decision. Sometimes practices modify, doctors retire, or things don't work out the way you hoped, and it's adept to have a dorsum-up plan.

Here are some central questions to ask at this first coming together:

 "What are the coverage arrangements for nights and weekends?" With evening and weekend hours for both well and sick visits, CMG allows working parents the convenience to juggle their busy schedules. There is always a doctor on call, 24 hours a twenty-four hours.

"How long does it generally take to get an appointment for a well visit? Can I get my child in apace in case of an acute or sudden illness?" At CMG the answers are "non long" and "yes" – we always have someone ready to assistance you (although in a truthful medical emergency you should always call 911 immediately!)

"Do you accept my kid'due south medical insurance ?" CMG accepts a variety of over lxx private and Medicaid insurance providers – just ask.

"What hospital(s) do you lot work with?" Our practice is currently affiliated with Vassar Brothers Medical Heart. (Our ain Dr. David Fenner is Managing director of the Dept of Pediatrics at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, providing leadership and advising on quality-of-care issues.)

"Will you be at the hospital later I deliver?" A CMG Pediatrician makes rounds at the hospital every solar day. Babies born at surface area hospitals other than Vassar Brothers are welcome to come to our function after the birth.

"When should I schedule my baby's outset appointment?" Your infant should see the doctor inside the 2-3 days of coming dwelling from the infirmary. At this visit you should expect the nurse and doctor to bank check the babe's weight, height, and answer any questions you have.

"What is your policy on taking and making phone calls/emails? Is there a number I tin can telephone call to speak with a nurse or practitioner in example you aren't bachelor?" At CMG, the answer is ever "yep!" Our physicians are available to discuss your kid's wellness, and you lot can always talk to a pediatric nurse or other knowledgeable practitioner. And our online Parent Resource Heart provides extensive, articulate and helpful answers to nearly all pediatric questions, 24/7. It can tell yous what to practise, what to picket out for and when to telephone call – it's like beingness able to talk to the physician whenever you want. Our Patient Portal allows you to request prescription refills, schedule appointments and even view your child's lab results and health records online, at your convenience.

"If my child needs to run into a specialist volition y'all work with the specialist and coordinate his or her care?" Absolutely! We have defended staff to help you through that process.

 "Are lab tests done in your office? Or would yous need to go elsewhere for basic lab procedures? If and then, where?" CMG is a CLIA/COLA Certified & Accredited Moderately Complex Lab where we are able to achieve 98% of all necessary Pediatric Labs in-firm. For the remaining (rare) most-circuitous Lab tests nosotros provide information where those lab tests can be accomplished locally.

"When volition my child 'historic period out' of your do?" CMG offers expert care from birth through college – many of our practitioners excel at the specialized challenges of adolescent wellness.

"Where did you go to medical school and do your post-graduate and residency preparation?"

Subsequently the interview

Did yous feel that this doctor spent enough time speaking to you and showed a genuine interest in you and your kid? Were you comfy with the language he or she used and their ability to explain things to y'all in a way you would empathize?

Your life is nigh to modify in a wonderful – and challenging – way. All the professionals at The Children's Medical Group would like to help you navigate this passage. And if at that place'south one affair we know, information technology's KIDS!

If you are interested in meeting some of our providers delight phone call any ane of our offices… appointments are available daily!

Click hither for more information on choosing a pediatrician.

Click here for a checklist of important, last-minute, pre-birth activities

Source: CMG


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