Did you lot receive an Amazon Fire or phone for Christmas? If you did and y'all're struggling to fix-up your email, the guide below should assist.

Email Setup

You'll need an e-mail account to sync with the E-mail app on your Fire telephone. More than 1 account can be added, offering combined or single account views. After you set up your e-mail account, it will automatically sync with the Calendar and Contacts app (if supported by your email provider) on your phone.


The Email app supports virtually POP, IMAP, and Exchange accounts, including Gmail, Outlook.com, and Yahoo! Mail, and volition automatically populate server settings during setup for most popular eastward-mail service providers. However, if you lot're prompted to manually gear up your e-mail business relationship, you'll need the email settings for your provider.

Tip:Many e-mail accounts utilize dissimilar protocols for sending and receiving e-mails. If you're not sure what protocol your account is using, refer to your east-mail service provider.
  • POP3 (Post-Function Protocol) – POP contacts your electronic mail server and downloads e-mails from the server to your personal device. It will then delete the messages from the due east-mail service server (unless you've specified otherwise).
  • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) – IMAP contacts your e-mail server and syncs your Inbox across multiple devices. With IMAP, your e-mail messages and any folders you created stay on the e-mail server. When you search your electronic mail, the search occurs on the e-mail server, which makes it easy to access your e-postal service from any device or computer.
  • Exchange – Substitution is an electronic mail, calendar, and contact server developed past Microsoft that is typically used by businesses and organisations.

To set up an e-mail account:

Note:If no e-mail accounts have been added to the device even so, you will automatically showtime at stride iii below.

  1. From the Email app, admission the left panel, and then tap Settings.
  2. Under Accounts, tapAdd Account.
  3. Enter your east-post address, and and then tap Side by side.
  4. If your electronic mail business relationship isn't recognised, you volition see the Advanced Setup screen.
    • For POP3 or IMAP accounts:
      1. TapPOP3 orIMAP at the pinnacle.
      2. TapPOP3 Server orIMAP Server, and so enter the server URL. For POP3, the URL is pop3.abc.com. For IMAP, the URL is smtp.abc.com.
      3. TapUsername, so enter your username. Your username is typically your e-mail address.
      4. TapSMTP Server, and then enter the outgoing SMTP server proper noun (e.g. smtp.abc.com).
      5. TapSecurity Settings and Ports. Verify that your Incoming and Outgoing Security Settings are correct. Consult your email provider for the proper settings.
    • For Commutation accounts:
      1. TapExchange at the top.
      2. TapExchange server, and so enter the server URL, which is exchange.mycompany.com.
      3. TapUsername, and and then enter your username. Your username is typically your e-mail address without the domain (for example, johnsmith instead of johnsmith@domain.com).
      4. TapSecurity Settings and Ports. Verify that your Incoming and Outgoing Security Settings are correct. Consult your e-mail provider for the proper settings. Note:Exchange often requires you to accept device policies as determined by your system administrator. If required, y'all will be prompted to accept policies such as a device Pin/Password and encryption. Follow the prompts to complete the account setup.
  5. Afterwards configuring your e-mail account, tap Go to Inbox to immediately view the account yous just added, or tapAdd together Another Account to repeat these steps to add another e-post business relationship.

Notation:If y'all're unable to prepare your e-mail account, you lot may need to contact your Internet service provider or arrangement administrator to verify the information you're entering is correct.

Setting up your email on Kindle Fire Hard disk

Setting up your e-mail on Kindle Burn down Hard disk drive involves providing information about 1 or more email accounts that you've already established with a provider such every bit Gmail.

Follow these steps to set up an email account the beginning time you utilise the app:

  1. Swipe down from the peak of the Home screen to display Settings.

    The Quick Settings bar appears.

  2. Tap More.

    The Settings console appears.

  3. Tap My Account.

  4. Tap Manage Electronic mail Accounts.

  5. Tap Add Account.

    The dialogue box shown appears.


  6. Tap AOL, Exchange, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, or Other Provider.

  7. Enter your username, e-mail address, and password in the appropriate fields, and then tap Next.

    A new screen appears, displaying two fields.

  8. Enter the name that will announced on outgoing messages in the Name field and an accost in the E-mail Address field for your electronic mail account.

    The account name is optional.

  9. Enter the password for your e-mail account in the Countersign field.

  10. Tap the Send Mail service from This Account past Default checkbox if you desire to set this upwards as your default e-post account, and then tap Next.

  11. If a message appears about how some accounts sync with your Kindle Fire HD, tap OK to proceed.

  12. In the final screen, tap Save and so tap the View Inbox button to go to the inbox for the business relationship y'all just prepare.


You tin set equally many e-mail accounts as you like. When you open the Kindle Burn down HD Email app, yous see a Unified Inbox that combines letters from all accounts you lot gear up, as well as individual inboxes for each account.